Monday, March 11, 2013

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» Baskerville, David and Baskerville, Tim: Music Business Handbook and Career Guide 10e
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» Clampitt, Phillip G. and DeKoch, Robert J.: Transforming Leaders Into Progress Makers: Leadership for the 21st Century
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» Clegg, Stewart, Kornberger, Martin and Pitsis, Tyrone: Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Second Edition
» Clegg, Stewart, Kornberger, Martin and Pitsis, Tyrone: Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Third Edition
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» Clow, Kenneth E. and Baack, Donald: Marketing Management: A Customer-Oriented Approach
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» Hollins, Bill and Shinkins, Sadie: Managing Service Operations: Design and Implementation
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» Köster, Kathrin: International Project Management
» Masterson, Rosalind and Pickton, David: Marketing: An Introduction
» McQuail, Denis: Mass Communication Theory
» Mellor, Robert: Entrepreneurship for Everyone
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» Moutinho, Luiz and Chien, Charles S.: Problems in Marketing
» Pitt, Martyn R. and Koufopoulos, Dimitrios: Essentials of Strategic Management
» Quintanilla, Kelly M. and Wahl, Shawn T.: Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence
» Rowe, W. Glenn and Guerrero, Laura: Cases in Leadership, Second Edition
» Rowe, W. Glenn and Guerrero, Laura: Cases in Leadership, Third Edition
» Shindler, Rober: Pricing Strategies
» Stanwick, Peter and Stanwick, Sarah: Understanding Business Ethics 2ed
» Suder, Gabriele: Doing Business in Europe
» Wearing, Robert: Cases in Corporate Governance Business and Management Communication and Media Studies
» Altstiel, Tom and Grow, Jean: Advertising Creative 3e
» Croteau, David, Hoynes, William and Milan, Stefania: Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences, Fourth Edition
» Duck, Steve and McMahan, David T.: Communication in Everyday Life
» Duck, Steve and McMahan, David T.: The Basics of Communication, Second Editiom
» Edwards, Chad, Edwards, Autumn, Wahl, Shawn T. and Myers, Scott A.: The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging
» Gamble, Teri Kwal and Gamble, Michael W.: Interpersonal Communication: Building Connections Together 1
» Guerrero, Laura K., Andersen, Peter A., and Afifi, Walid A.: Close Encounters, Third Edition: Communication in Relationships
» Guerrero, Laura K., Andersen, Peter A., and Afifi, Walid A.: Close Encounters, 4e: Communication in Relationships
» Liu, Shuang, Volcic, Zala and Gallois, Cindy: Introducing Intercultural Communication
» Potter, W. James: Media Effects
» Potter, W. James: Media Literacy, Fifth Edition
» Potter, W. James: Media Literacy, Sixth Edition
» Warren, John T. and Fassett, Deanna L.: Communication: A Critical/Cultural Introduction Criminology
» Archbold, Carol A.: Policing: A Text/Reader
» Barton-Bellessa, Shannon M. and Hanser, Robert D.: Community-Based Corrections: A Text/Reader
» Cavadino, Michael and Dignan, James: The Penal System: An Introduction, Fourth Edition
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» Cox, Steven M, McCamey, William P, and Scaramella, Gene L.: Introduction to Policing 2ed
» Daigle, Leah E.: Victimology: The Essentials
» Gabbidon, Shaun L. and Greene, Helen Taylor: Race and Crime, 3rd Edition
» Greene, Helen Taylor and Gabbidon, Shaun L.: Race and Crime: An Experiential Approach
» Hanser, Robert D.: Introduction to Corrections
» Hemmens, Craig, Brody, David C., and Spohn, Cassia C.: Criminal Courts 2e
» Hemmens, Craig, Brody, David C., and Spohn, Cassia C.: Site for Criminal Courts: A Contemporary Perspective
» Lawrence, Richard and Hesse, Mario: Juvenile Justice: The Essentials
» Lilly, J. Robert, Cullen, Francis T., and Ball, Richard A.: Criminological Theory, Fifth Edition: Context and Consequences Fifth Edition
» Lippman, Matthew R.: Criminal Procedure
» Mallicoat, Stacy L.: Women and Crime: A Text/Reader
» Payne, Brian K.: White-Collar Crime: A Text/Reader
» Payne, Brian K.: White-Collar Crime: The Essentials
» Scaramella, Gene L., Cox, Steven M., and McCamey, William P.: Introduction to Policing
» Spohn, Cassia and Hemmens, Craig: Courts: A Text/Reader, Second Edition
» Stohr, Mary K. and Walsh, Anthony: Corrections: The Essentials
» Stout, Brian, Yates, Joe and Williams, Brian: Applied Criminology
» Tibbetts, Stephen G. and Hemmens, Craig: Criminological Theory: A Text/ Reader
» Tibbetts, Stephen G.: Criminological Theory: The Essentials
» Treadwell, James.: Criminology: The Essentials 2e
» Walsh, Anthony and Hemmens, Craig: Introduction to Criminology, Second Edition: A Text/Reader
» Walsh, Anthony: Criminology: The Essentials Education
» Gordon Biddle, Kimberley A., Garcia-Nevarez, Ana, Roundtree Henderson, Wanda J. and Valero-Kerrick, Alicia: Early Childhood Education: Becoming a Professional
» Chambers, Paul: Teaching Mathematics
» Dymoke, Sue and Harrison, Jennifer: Reflective Teaching & Learning
» Dymoke, Sue and Harrison, Jennifer: Reflective Teaching Practice
» Glatthorn, Allan A., Boschee, Floyd, Whitehead, Bruce M. and Boschee, Bonni F.: Curriculum Leadership: Strategies for Development and Implementation Third Edition
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» Hess, Robyn S., Magnuson, Sandy, and Beeler, Linda: Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools
» Kottler, Jeffrey A. and Englar-Carlsonm, Matt: Learning Group Leadership: An Experiential Approach, Second Edition
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» Midgley, Alyson, Woolnough, Peter, Warham, Lynne, Rigby, Phil and Evans, Carol: Teaching English: Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher
» Midgley, Alyson, Woolnough, Peter, Warham, Lynne, Rigby, Phil and Evans, Carol: Teaching English
» Moore, Kenneth D. and Hansen, Jacqueline: Effective Strategies for Teaching in K-8 Classrooms
» Phillips, Ian: Teaching History
» Prendiville, Francis and Toye, Nigel: Speaking and Listening through Drama 7-11
» Prendiville, Francis and Toye, Nigel: Speaking and Listening through Drama 7-11
» Rothstein, Laura and Johnson, Scott F.: Special Education Law, Fourth Edition
» Simmons, Carl and Hawkins, Claire: Teaching ICT
» Whitehead, Bruce M., Boschee, Floyd and Decker, Robert H.: The Principle: Leadership for a Global Society Geography
» Dicken, Peter: Global Shift Health Care
» Barry, Anne-Marie and Yuill, Chris: Understanding the Sociology of Health, Third Edition
» Brophy, Sinead, Snooks, Helen and Griffiths, Lesley J.: Small-Scale Evaluation in Health: A Practical Guide
» Dhooper, Surjit Singh: Social Work in Health Care, Second Edition
» Moule, Pam and Goodman, Margaret: Nursing Research: An Introduction Politics
» Barbour, Christine and Wright, Gerald C: Keeping the Republic 6ed
» Barbour, Christine and Wright, Gerald C: Keeping the Republic 5ed Psychology
» Bartol, Curt R. and Bartol, Anne M.: Forensic Psychology: Research and Application, Third Edition
» Breakwell, Glynis M., Fife-Schaw, Chris, Smith, Jonathan A. and Hammond, Sean: Research Methods in Psychology, Third Edition
» Breakwell, Glynis, Smith, Jonathan A. and Wright, Daniel B.: Research Methods in Psychology, Fourth Edition
» Crisp and Turner: Essential Social Psychology
» Crisp, Richard J. and Turner, Rhiannon N.: Essential Social Psychology
» DePoy, Elizabeth and Gilson, Stephen French: Human Behavior Theory and Applications, Second Edition
» Giampietro Gobo: Doing Ethnography
» Hampton, Simon: Essential Evolutionary Psychology
» Holden, George: Parenting: A Dynamic Perspective
» Marks, David F., Murray, Michael, Evans, Brian and Estacio, Emee: Health Psychology: Theory, Research & Practice, Third Edition
» Moody, Harry R. and Sasser, Jennifer R.: Aging: Concepts and Controversies, Seventh Edition
» Organista, Pamela Balls, Marín, Gerardo, and Chun, Kevin M.: The Psychology of Ethnic Groups in the United States
» Privitera, Gregory J.: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
» Schwartz, Bennett L.: Memory: Foundations and Applications
» Snyder, C. R.,Lopez, Shane J. and Pedrotti, Jennifer Teramoto: Positive Psychology, Second Edition
» Sobel, Carolyn Panzer and Li, Paul..: The Connitive Sciences 2e
» Steinberg, Wendy J.: Statistics Alive, Second Edition Psychotherapy and Counseling
» Barnett, Ola W., Miller-Perrin, Cindy L., and Perrin, Robin D.: Family Violence Across the Lifespan: An Introduction
» Houser, Rick A. and Thoma, Stephen: Ethics in Counseling and Therapy
» Isaksen, Scott G., Dorval, K. Brian, and Treffinger, Donald J.: Creative Approaches to Problem Solving, Third Edition: A Framework for Innovation and Change
» Ivey, Allen E., D’Andrea, Michael J., and Ivey, Mary Bradford: Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 7th Edition: A Multicultural Perspective
» Kapp, Stephen A. and Anderson, Gary R.: Agency-Based Program Evaluation: Lessons From Practice
» Kottler, Jeffrey A. and Montgomery, Marilyn J.: Theories of Counseling and Therapy, Second Edition: An Experiential Approach
» Martella, Ronald C., Nelson, J. Ron, O’Reilly, Mark and Marchand-Martella, Nancy E.: Comprehensive Behavior Management, Second Edition
» McAuliffe, Garret and Associates: Culturally Alert Counseling 2e
» Miller-Perrin, Cindy L. and Perrin, Robin D.: Child Maltreatment: An Introduction, Third Edition
» Moore, Tami James and Asay, Sylvia M.: Family Resource Management, Second Edition
» Price, Sharon J., Price, Christine A., and McKenry, Patrick C.: Families and Change, Fourth Edition: Coping with Stresful Events and Transitions
» Rasheed, Janice M., Rasheed, Mikal N. and Marley, James A.: Family Therapy: Models and Techniques
» Westbrook, David, Kennerley, Helen and Kirk, Joan: An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Second Edition
» Wright, Robert J.: Introduction to School Counseling Research Methods
» Berkman, Elliot T. and Reise, Steven P.: A Conceptual Guide to Statistics Using SPSS
» Check, Joseph and Schutt, Russell K.: Research Methods in Education
» Creswell, John W. and Clark, Vicki Plano: Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research, Second Edition
» David and Sutton: Social Research: An Introduction
» Edmonds, W. Alex and Kennedy, Thomas D.: An Applied Reference Guide to Research Designs
» Easterby-Smith, Mark, Thorpe, Richard and Jackson, Paul: Management Research, Fourth Edition
» Evans, Annabel Ness and Rooney, Bryan J.: Methods in Psychological Research, Second Edition
» Field, Andy and Miles, Jeremy: Discovering Statistics Using SAS
» Field, Andy, Miles, Jeremy and Field, Zoë: Discovering Statistics Using R
» Fielding, Nigel, Lee, Raymond M. and Blank, Grant: The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods
» Gray, David E.: Doing Research in the Real World
» Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy and Leavy, Patricia: The Practice of Qualitative Research, Second Edition
» James, Nalita and Busher, Hugh: Online Interviewing
» Kettner, Peter M., Moroney, Robert M. and Martin, Lawrence L.: Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach, Fourth Edition
» Margolis, Eric and Pauwels, Luc: The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods
» Martin, Lawrence L. and Kettner, Peter M.: Measuring the Performance of Human Service Programs, Second Edition
» McDavid, James C., Huse, Irene, and Hawthorn, Laura R. L.: Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement: An Introduction to Practice, Second Edition
» Meyers, Lawrence S., Gamst, Glenn and Guarino, A.J.: Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation, Second Edition
» Miller, Leslie A., McIntire, Sandra A., and Lovler, Robert L.: Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach, Fourth Edition
» Miller, Leslie A., McIntire, Sandra A., and Lovler, Robert L.: Foundations of Psychological Testing, Third Edition: A Practical Approach
» Nestor, Paul G. and Schutt, Russell K.: Research Methods in Psychology: Investigating Human Behavior
» Pearson, Robert W.: Statistical Persuasion
» Pelham, Brett W: Intermediate Statistics
» Pierce, Roger: Research Methods in Politics
» Salkind, Neil J.: Excel Statistics 2e
» Sue, Valerie M. and Ritter, Lois A.: Conducting Online Surveys: Second Edition
» White, John K.: Do the Math!
» Wodarski, John S. and Hopson, Laura M.: Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice Social Work
» Levine, Laura E. and Munsch, Joyce: Child Development: An Active Learning Approach Sociology and Cultural Studies
» Alexander, Jr., Rudolph: Human Behavior in the Social Environment
» Appelrouth, Scott A. and Edles, Laura Desfor: Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era: Text and Readings, Second Edition
» Babbie, Earl R., Halley, Frederick S., Wagner, III, William E. and Zaino, Jeanne S.: Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics, Seventh Edition
» Babbie ,Earl, Halley, Fred S., Wagner, III, William E., and Zaino, Jeanne: Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics, Eighth Edition
» Ballantine, Jeanne H. and Roberts, Keith A.: Our Social World, Condensed Version
» Ballantine, Jeanne H. and Roberts, Keith A.: Our Social World: Introduction to Sociology, Third Edition Media Update
» Burns, Robert and Burns, Richard: Business Research Methods and Statistics using SPSS
» Chambliss, Daniel F. and Schutt, Russell K.: Making Sense of the Social World: Methods of Investigation, 4th edition
» Dolgon, Corey and Baker, Chris: Social Problems: A Service Learning Approach
» Engel, Rafael J. and Schutt, Russell K.: Fundamentals of Social Work Research
» Engel, Rafael J. and Schutt, Russell K.: The Practice of Research in Social Work 3rd Edition
» Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava and Leon-Guerrero, Anna: Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, 6th Edition
» Gannon, Martin J. and Pillai, Rajnandini: Understanding Global Cultures, Fourth Edition
» Gannon, Martin J. and Pillai, Rajnandini: Understanding Global Cultures, Fifth Edition
» Godwyn, Mary and Gittell, Jody Hoffer: Sociology of Organizations: Structures and Relationships
» Healey, Joseph F.: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class
» Healey, Joseph F.: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class 6e
» Inderbitzin, Michelle, Bates, Kristin and Gainey, Randy: Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological Perspective
» Jimenez, Jillian: Social Policy and Social Change
» Lee, Nancy and Kotler, Philip: Social Marketing, Fourth Edition
» Leon-Guerrero, Anna and Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava: Essentials of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society
» Massey, Garth: Ways of Social Change
» Meem, Deborah T., Gibson, Michelle A., and Alexander, Jonathan F.: Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBT Studies
» Ridley-Duff, Rory and Bull, Mike: Understanding Social Enterprise: Theory and Practice
» Roberts, Keith A. and Yamane, David: Religion in Sociological Perspective, Fifth Edition
» Ritzer, George: Introduction to Sociology
» Ritzer, George: The McDonaldization of Society 6
» Sutherland, Jean-Anne and Feltey, Kathryn: Cinematic Sociology: Social Life in Film
» Sutherland, Jean-Anne and Feltey, Kathryn: Cinematic Sociology: Social Life in Film Second Edition Study Skills

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Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Paul Levy
©2010 | Third Edition

Forensic and Legal Psychology

Mark Costanzo; Daniel Krauss
©2012 | First Edition

Health Psychology

Richard O. Straub
©2012 | Third Edition

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells
©2012 | Third Edition

Modern Principles: Macroeconomics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2012 | Second Edition

Principles of Macroeconomics
The Way We Live
Susan Feigenbaum; R.W. Hafer
©2012 | First Edition

Macroeconomics in Modules

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson
©2012 | Second Edition

CoreMacroeconomics & Course Tutor

Gerald Stone
©2012 | Second Edition

Modern Principles: Macroeconomics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2010 | First Edition

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells
©2010 | Second Edition


Paul Krugman; Robin Wells
©2012 | Third Edition
Modern Principles: Microeconomics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2012 |

Microeconomics in Modules

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson
©2012 | Second Edition

Modern Principles of Economics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2012 | Second Edition


Paul Krugman; Robin Wells
©2012 | Third Edition

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells
©2012 | Third Edition


Paul Krugman; Robin Wells
©2012 | Third Edition


Paul Krugman; Robin Wells
©2012 | Third Edition

Principles of Microeconomics
The Way We Live
Susan Feigenbaum; R.W. Hafer
©2013 | First Edition

Principles of Microeconomics
The Way We Live
Susan Feigenbaum; R.W. Hafer
©2013 | First Edition

Modern Principles: Microeconomics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2012 |
Principles of Macroeconomics
The Way We Live
Susan Feigenbaum; R.W. Hafer
©2012 | First Edition

Economics in Modules

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson
©2012 | Second Edition

Microeconomics in Modules

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson
©2012 | Second Edition

Macroeconomics in Modules

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson
©2012 | Second Edition

CoreEconomics & CourseTutor

Gerald Stone
©2012 | Second Edition

Modern Principles of Economics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2010 | First Edition
Modern Principles: Microeconomics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2010 | First Edition

Modern Principles: Macroeconomics

Tyler Cowen; Alex Tabarrok
©2010 | First Edition
Essentials of Economics

Paul Krugman; Robin Wells; Kathryn Graddy
©2010 | Second Edition

Macroeconomics and the Financial System

N. Gregory Mankiw; Laurence Ball
©2011 | First Edition


N. Gregory Mankiw
©2010 | Seventh Edition


Austan Goolsbee, Steven Levitt
©2013 | First Edition
International Economics

Robert C Feenstra; Alan M Taylor
©2012 | Second Edition

International Macroeconomics

Robert C Feenstra; Alan M Taylor
©2012 | Second Edition

Essentials of International Economics

Robert C. Feenstra; Alan M. Taylor
©2011 | Second Edition

International Trade

Robert C Feenstra; Alan M Taylor
©2011 | Second Edition

Money, Banking and Financial Markets

Laurence Ball
©2012 | Second Edition

Public Finance and Public Policy

Jonathan Gruber
©2010 | Third Edition
Games, Strategies and Decision Making

Joseph Harrington
©2009 | First Edition

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